
Qryptic Documentation

1. Overview

Qryptic is a modern, open-source Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution powered by WireGuard, providing secure, fast, reliable and time-bound network access management. Unlike traditional VPNs, ZTNA ensures that users only access the specific resources they need, minimizing security risks and improving overall control.

๐Ÿš€ Why ZTNA and Qryptic?

ZTNA is a modern and secure alternative to VPNs. Traditional VPNs grant broad network access, often leading to security risks and compliance challenges. ZTNA takes a different approach by ensuring least-privilege access and enforcing security policies at every step.

However, many ZTNA solutions present challenges such as:

๐Ÿ”‘ What Makes Qryptic Different?

Qryptic offers:

โœ… End-to-End Hosting: Host the entire solution within your infrastructure, ensuring full control over data and security policies.
โœ… Multi-VPN Management: Manage multiple VPNs for different use cases via a centralized interface.
โœ… WireGuard-Powered Security: Benefit from WireGuardโ€™s robust encryption and high-speed performance.
โœ… Open Source Flexibility: Customize and extend the solution to meet your specific business needs.
โœ… Compliance-Focused: Stay compliant with evolving regulatory requirements without vendor lock-in.

It consists of the following components:

  1. Controller:

    • Manages users, groups, gateways, and access policies.
    • Generates time-bound client configurations for users.
    • Communicates with gateways to enforce access controls.
  2. Gateway:

    • Enforces access controls using WireGuard.
    • Dynamically updates its configuration based on instructions from the Controller.
  3. User:

    • Employees or users who need access to gateways.
    • Admins can manage the Controller and gateways.
  4. Group:

    • A collection of users (e.g., a team) with shared access to gateways.
  5. Client:

    • A temporary WireGuard configuration provided to users for connecting to gateways.
    • Automatically deleted by a cron job upon expiry.

2. Architecture

High-Level Architecture

Qryptic Architecture Diagram High Level

  1. Controller:

    • Hosted on a private EC2 instance (AWS) or Kubernetes cluster.
    • Manages users, groups, and gateways.
    • Generates time-bound client configurations.
  2. Gateway:

    • Hosted on a public EC2 instance (AWS) with a public IP.
    • Enforces access controls using WireGuard.
    • Communicates with the Controller via HTTPS.
  3. User:

    • Connects to the Gateway using the Qryptic CLI or mobile/desktop apps.
    • Uses time-bound client configurations provided by the Controller.
  4. Database:

    • PostgreSQL database (AWS RDS) for storing user, group, and gateway data.
  5. Load Balancer:

    • AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) for routing traffic to the Controller and Gateway.
    • HTTPS termination using ACM certificates.

3. Setup Guide

3.1. Prerequisites

3.2. Deploy the Controller

Step 1: Create an RDS PostgreSQL Database

AWS Reference

Step 2: Set Up Route53, ALB, and Target Group

  1. Route53:

    • Go to the Route53 Dashboard.
    • Create a hosted zone for your domain (e.g., qryptic.example.com).
    • Add an A record pointing to the ALB.
  2. ACM Certificate:

    • Go to the ACM Dashboard.
    • Request a public certificate for your domain (e.g., qryptic.example.com).
    • Validate the certificate using DNS validation.
  3. ALB:

    • Go to the EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancers.
    • Click Create Load Balancer and choose Application Load Balancer.
    • Configure the ALB:
      • Name: qryptic-controller-alb.
      • Scheme: Internet-facing.
      • Listeners:
        • Add a listener for port 443 (HTTPS) and attach the ACM certificate.
        • Add a listener for port 80 (HTTP) to redirect to port 443.
    • Under Availability Zones:
      • Select the VPC and private subnets.
    • Under Security Groups:
      • Create a new security group or use an existing one.
      • Allow Inbound: Port 443 from
    • Under Routing:
      • Create a new target group (qryptic-controller-tg) with port 8080.
  4. Target Group:

    • Go to the Target Groups section in the EC2 Dashboard.
    • Register the Controller EC2 instance as a target.
  5. HTTP to HTTPS Redirection:

    • Go to the ALB Listeners tab.
    • Add a rule to the port 80 listener to redirect all traffic to port 443.

Step 3: Deploy the Controller EC2 Instance

  1. Launch an EC2 Instance:

    • Go to the EC2 Dashboard.
    • Click Launch Instance.
    • Configure the instance:
      • AMI: Amazon Linux 2 or Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
      • Instance Type: t3.medium.
      • Key Pair: Use an existing key pair or create a new one.
      • Network: Choose the same VPC as the ALB and private subnet.
      • Security Group:
        • Allow Inbound: Port 8080 from the ALB security group.
        • Allow Outbound: PostgreSQL port (5432) to the RDS security group.
    • Click Launch.
  2. Install Docker:

    • SSH into the EC2 instance.
    • Run the following commands to install Docker:
      sudo yum update -y
      sudo yum install -y docker
      sudo systemctl start docker
      sudo systemctl enable docker
  3. Run the Controller:

    • Pull and run the Controller Docker container:
      docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
        -e DBHost="<DB Host>" \
        -e DBPort="5432" \
        -e DBUser="postgres" \
        -e DBPassword='<DB Password>' \
        -e DBName="postgres" \
        -e DBSslMode="disable" \
        -e ControllerDomain="<controller-domain/subdomain>" \
        -e Environment="<local/development/production - default is production>" \
        -e GatewayImage="<gateway-image>:<gateway-version>" \

3.3. Deploy the Gateway

Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance for the Gateway

  1. Go to the EC2 Dashboard and click Launch Instance.
  2. Configure the instance:
    • AMI: Amazon Linux 2 or Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
    • Instance Type: t3.small.
    • Key Pair: Use an existing key pair or create a new one.
    • Network: Choose the VPC and a public subnet.
    • Security Group:
      • Allow Inbound:
        • WireGuard UDP Port (51820) from
        • HTTPS Port (443) from the gateway alb security group.
    • Click Launch.
  3. Setup Route53, ALB and Target Group for gateway too similar to controller

Step 2: Install Docker and Run the Gateway

  1. Install Docker:

    • SSH into the EC2 instance.
    • Run the following commands to install Docker:
      sudo yum update -y
      sudo yum install -y docker
      sudo systemctl start docker
      sudo systemctl enable docker
  2. Run the Gateway:

    • Pull and run the Gateway Docker container: Note - Request controller to give the docker config For eg:
      docker run -d --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_MODULE \
              --sysctl='net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1' \
              --sysctl='net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' \
              --sysctl='net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1' \
              -p 51820:51820/udp -p 8080:8080 \
              -e VpnGatewayUuid='<uuid>' \
              -e VpnGatewayControllerJWTSecretKey=<key> \
              -e VpnGatewayControllerJWTAlgorithm='HS256' \
              -e ControllerVGWConfigUrlEndpoint=<url> \
              -e ApplicationPort='8080' \

4. Usage

4.1. CLI Tool

  1. Install the Qryptic CLI:

    • Download the latest version from GitHub Releases.
    • Install it on your local machine.
    • For macOS
      brew tap leetsecure/tap
      brew install qryptic
    • Note : Run qryptic as sudo or with root user
  2. Authenticate:
    qryptic login -u <controller url>
  3. Connect to a Gateway:
    qryptic connect
  4. Current Status:

    qryptic status
  5. Disconnect from Gateway:
    qryptic disconnect
  6. Log out from controller:
    qryptic logout

5. License

Qryptic is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license.